Magical disappearing emails in Outlook



I have a computer in a room in which I use to check emails on the Outlook software for web browsers. The email requires me to log into the domain with a username and password, which is normal. When it opens up, I am supposed to be able to read my email.


I once checked my email on a different computer on our network, and it looked like it worked normally. When I went to check my email back on my regular computer there were no messages, despite the fact that I had just had them on the other computer. Furthermore, when I recieve emails, they wont usually appear on my normal computer now. What do I do?

Phantom of the Email

Posted 2011-01-31T18:19:14.550

Reputation: 21



I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a few assumptions. First, that you setup your email as a POP3 on the second computer thus whenever an email is sent it may be being "downloaded" to the other computer. Secondly, I'm also assuming that you are using a cloud based email provider (gmail, live, etc) and not an exchange server.

I would check your outlook on the second computer and see if the emails are there. If so, the you have a few options:

  1. You can un-install outlook on one computer and just use the other.

  2. Switch both outlook email accounts to IMAP instead of POP3 to prevent "disappearances"

James Mertz

Posted 2011-01-31T18:19:14.550

Reputation: 24 787