How to change the input source name in Mac OS X


I'm talking about this:

Preferences - Language & Text

I'd like "Romanian - Standard" to be just "Romanian". There's already an entry called Romanian, but I can't use it with my keyboard layout.

Does anyone know a way, even hackish, to accomplish this?

IonuČ› G. Stan

Posted 2011-01-29T17:34:07.140

Reputation: 103



The system-supplied keyboard layouts are located in /System/Library/Keyboard Layouts/AppleKeyBoardLayouts.bundle.

Right-click that bundle and select Show Package Contents.

Navigate to Contents/Resources/English.lproj/

Edit the InfoPlist.strings file to change the names used for the keyboard layouts in your English locale. The left side is the internal name of the layout -- don't change that -- and the right side is the localized name.

"Romanian" = "Romanian";
"Romanian-Standard" = "Romanian - Standard";

I changed it to the following:

"Romanian" = "Romanian - Nonstandard";
"Romanian-Standard" = "Romanian";

To be able to edit these files, you need to add your user account to the list of authorized users in the English.lproj folder's Get Info dialog (read/write permissions), as well as the InfoPlist.strings file itself (also read/write privileges).

Save, close, and check System Preferences to see if it worked.

It did for me:

enter image description here

Daniel Beck

Posted 2011-01-29T17:34:07.140

Reputation: 98 421