Custom keyboard shortcut to paste a pre-defined text?



I've been working on several website designs lately, and it looks like I'll be making a lot more in the near future. I find myself browsing to and copying a handful of paragraphs of random text to fill a design almost daily. I was wondering, is there any way I can set up a keyboard shortcut that will always paste a certain text, for instance a few paragraphs of lorem ipsum that I saved in a text file or something?


Stephan Muller

Posted 2011-01-27T08:53:38.350

Reputation: 440

Easy as ... -- i add Ctrl + Q => Lorem ipsum ... – user956584 – 2015-04-17T09:40:33.843



Autohotkey will do exactly that (although there are many similar apps). See for your specific requirements


Posted 2011-01-27T08:53:38.350

Reputation: 773

Symantec suspected that it is a malicious program. I was skeptical but wish to try. It is pretty powerful as it is allows programming in Visual Basic. Very useful for developers like me who type the same code repeatedly. – Chris Voon – 2015-04-14T06:05:21.397

1This answer would be much more useful if it actually showed how to use Autohotkey to do this – Zach Saucier – 2016-08-05T13:13:36.067

Cool, thanks. Will check it out and mark as an answer if it works out :) – Stephan Muller – 2011-01-27T09:47:10.820


  1. Create .bat file
  2. Insert below text clip < "myemail.txt"
  3. Create myemail.txt file and write you content
  4. Create shortcut and assign short key for batch file
  5. When ever you want paste the content press the short cut key , it will copy the text into clipboard, just have to paste the text. .txt,.bat create any where but short send to desktop and assign short key.


Posted 2011-01-27T08:53:38.350

Reputation: 241

Nice solution Azhar, handy for my 26 letter work domain name. – bwash70 – 2017-10-03T08:31:05.617

That's a great solution, I'll try and test it later today. Thanks. – Stephan Muller – 2013-12-17T14:38:59.720

I can't edit your post, but number 2 should be - Insert below the following text: clip < "myemail.txt". Otherwise it's not clear enough. – BornToCode – 2014-01-28T16:20:19.467