iTerm2 jumping to a folder bookmark


I need a simple bookmark just to cd to a folder. I add a bookmark, select login shell and my desired directory. When I use that bookmark my status gets changed from host:folder user$ to bash-3.2$ which is annoying. Why does this happen?


Posted 2011-01-22T10:53:37.503

Reputation: 103

1iTerm2 is a alpha release so I would ask on their forums or bug tracker – user151019 – 2011-01-22T14:46:26.347



Two possible solutions:

  1. Set your bookmark's command to:

    login -fpl USERNAME /bin/bash --login

(replace USERNAME with your username)

  1. Put this in your ~/.bashrc:

    source /etc/profile


Posted 2011-01-22T10:53:37.503

Reputation: 1 496

This is what I've put in my ~/.bashrc: source /etc/profile; source ~/.profile – Mirko – 2011-01-24T12:06:19.827