Increase Thunderbird timeout for retrieving POP mail


I have a POP mailserver set up in Thunderbird 2.0 that happens to be very slow. It does eventually connect, but I often get a message saying "Connection to pop server servername timed out". The message comes up after 10 seconds and I can't see any timeout configured at 10 seconds. I've tried setting the value of the mail.server.server7.timeout setting to 300 (7 is the number of that particular mail server in my config), but this doesn't seem to have changed anything. How do I increase the time that Thunderbird waits before it gives up on trying to connect?

Edit: changing the value in Options, Network & Disc, Connection Timeout doesn't help, either. It's already set to 120 seconds, but the connection times out much quicker than that.

Edit 2: the message pops up after only 10 seconds. I've tried going through the config and changing anything that looked like 10 seconds, without success.


Posted 2009-08-17T09:28:24.180

Reputation: 4 688



Try setting it in the normal options area. If you're on Windows, it would usually be found here:

Tools > Options > Advanced > Network & Disk Space

If you're on Linux, (as pointed out by nagul) it would be:

Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Network & Disk Space

Then adjust the Connection timeout: to however many seconds you think should do.


Posted 2009-08-17T09:28:24.180

Reputation: 13 363

1+1. Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Network & Disk Space on linux. – None – 2009-08-17T09:44:14.437

Thanks, but that doesn't help. It still times out much quicker than the 120 seconds that I've set that value to. – EMP – 2009-08-17T10:16:15.233

Further investigation is in order. – random – 2009-08-17T13:57:00.497

How do I do further investigation on this? – EMP – 2009-08-22T00:06:47.867

Was more of a self reminder to go and see if there were any other options that could be added to this answer to help you out better. – random – 2009-08-22T12:07:41.177

Well I've timed the timeout - it's 10 seconds. I tried changing any config settings that look like 10 seconds, without success. – EMP – 2009-08-23T00:42:38.343

Going to try out some other things, see if the timeout could be set elsewhere and update the answer if something is found that might help your situation. – random – 2009-08-23T15:06:13.913