How to make the first page of a PDF display by itself and the succeeding pages display two-up?



When creating an e-book using Adobe Acrobat 8.2.1 on OS X 10.6.5, is there a way to make Adobe Acrobat (or Adobe Reader) display the pages as follows:

p2   p3
p4   p5

rather than:

p1   p2
p3   p4
p5   p6


Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 2 389

@DanielF, please don't pursue anti-patterns. This question is not about PDF-XChange Viewer. Instead, please, for example, share your knowledge, Q&A style, and by all means link your question to this one so that will show it as a linked question. Thanks.

– sampablokuper – 2018-06-17T15:13:13.323



Ah, here's how:

View > Page Display > Show Cover Page During Two-Up


Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 2 389


I know that this was answered correctly by sampablokuper but I wanted to add a bit more detailed info (and I can't yet comment on this site) as to where it was as I have read that on 3 separate occasions and all 3 times I have had the "Page Display" tab open from the options looking for the "Show Cover Page During Two-Up" but it isn't in there it is only in the drop-down (see screenshot below). It may also be in the options somewhere but I can't find it.

Hope this helps anyone else who didn't read the answer correctly and thought it was in the options window's "Page Display" tab like me!

Adobe Reader dropdown


Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 249


In Acrobat open the PDF document properties (Ctrl+D) and in the Initial view tab select Page Layout: Two-Up (Cover page). Then press OK and Save the file. That's it!



Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 21


My clients prefer each spread to be one Acrobat page. To get the cover single width and the rest of the book as spreads, I export the PDF from InDesign twice. First just the document cover, then the rest of the pages with "Print as Spreads" checked. Then I use Acrobat to insert the cover at the beginning of the document.


Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 11

That's not quite what I was getting at, but I've given you an upvote for a neat tip. Thanks! – sampablokuper – 2011-02-02T15:14:04.837


Hello guys I find a way to solve this issue. according to this path go to a documents pdf. file and follow: Ctrl+K, general, basic tools, (turn on combo box) of enable pdf thumbnail preview in windows explore. 100% gets Okay! ... let windows operation solve it a few minute. be happy.


Posted 2011-01-21T00:45:43.843

Reputation: 1