I have a new Dell Laptop that I have setup the way I like it. I want to use Windows 7 to do a backup and then restore that backup on a different hard drive (solid state).
When I setup the backup info (manually) for Windows 7 Backup there is a little checkbox at the the bottom that says:
Include a system image of drives: RECOVERY, OS (C:)
I can also select to backup all my data on the C: drive (the only hard drive I have anything on) as well as some libraries (which are on my C: drive so no point in selecting those).
The question I have is, does Windows 7 Backup just somehow know what needs to be restored (ie program files and Windows and the registry ....? Or is it really making a full restorable copy of the C: drive? (If the later is true then I don't need select the C: drive to be "backed up" if I don't plan to access the files except by restoring them right? (Because the system image will already have it all.))
So, which way is it? What is saved in the System Image?
1System image is a full copy of the disk where Windows is installed (usually C:). If Windows is installed on multiple disks, they will be included in the image. But if you have disks with only non-system files, then they are not backed up. – mins – 2014-05-19T13:39:52.983