How to fix rss in google chrome


I have version 9.0 installed. Whenever I click on an rss link. I see something like this: alt text

It doesn't show a whole page of pure code when I do this on firefox, any ideas on how to fix this? Or is Chrome really made to act this way,

Wern Ancheta

Posted 2011-01-06T23:40:08.143

Reputation: 5 822

Have you tried reinstalling – Benny – 2011-01-07T00:01:10.520



Apparently this is in fact normal behavior on Chrome. This article complains about it: "RSS is Dying and You Should Be Very Worried".

There are Chrome Extensions that will handle things for you, however. Just do a search for RSS in extensions, and it'll turn up many options. Probably you'll need to decide what you want to happen. One natural thing is to have clicking on an RSS link take you to the subscription page in Google Reader. But you may want something else.


Posted 2011-01-06T23:40:08.143

Reputation: 9 044

My first thought after seeing "RSS is Dying" was: Who cares? We still have Atom. – user1686 – 2011-01-07T19:18:52.093

The problem covers both kinds of feeds, which are barely different. – frabjous – 2011-01-07T20:28:11.757