How to send emails without getting into Spam Act trouble?


Lets say I have a database of 60,000 emails.

I would like to send them an email notifying them of a new related service (similar to what they've signed up) which adds value to what they already signed up to.

I know most of them would welcome it but they did not opt-in for this new related service. I don't want to send out the email invite only to find out I got into some Spam Act trouble.

What is a friendly way to reach these targetted audience?

Weng Fai Wong

Posted 2011-01-02T05:23:07.700

Reputation: 97

Question was closed 2011-01-02T17:26:10.430

4What are you asking for? Legal advice? – Daniel Beck – 2011-01-02T09:18:45.990

5Please. Just. Don't. – frabjous – 2011-01-02T15:45:30.577



Do you already send them regular emails about the service they signed up for? If so just include a (short) line in one of those about the new service, and a link to get more. I see that approach with a number of the better organisations I deal with and it isn't one I ever object to (and I'm very strongly anti-spam).

Cry Havok

Posted 2011-01-02T05:23:07.700

Reputation: 3 486