Getting PATH right for python after MacPorts install



I can't import some python libraries (PIL, psycopg2) that I just installed with MacPorts. I looked through these forums, and tried to adjust my PATH variable in ~/.bash_profile in order to fix this but it did not work.

I added the location of PIL and psycopg2 to PATH.
I know that Terminal is using a version of python in /usr/local/bin rather than the one installed by MacPorts at /opt/local/bin.

Do I need to use the MacPorts version of Python in order to ensure that PIL and psycopg2 are on sys.path when I use python in Terminal? Should I switch to the MacPorts version of Python, or will that cause more problems?

In case it is helpful, here are more facts:

PIl and psycopg2 are installed in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages

which pythonreturns/usr/bin/python

$ echo $PATHreturns (I separated each path for easy reading):


in python, >>> sys.path returns:


I welcome any criticism and comments, if any of the above looks foolish or poorly conceived. I'm new to all of this. Thanks!

Running OSX 10.6.5 on a MacBook Pro, invoking python 2.6.1 from Terminal


Posted 2010-12-22T02:53:45.813

Reputation: 467



Use the 'notes' command after installing python (change python26 to whatever version you installed):

$ port notes python26

You'll see some variation on post install recommendations:

python26 has the following notes:
  To fully complete your installation and make python 2.6 the default,  please
    sudo port install python_select
    sudo port select python python26

You should install python_select and then select python26 as your default Python. Then, if you did indeed install PIL and pyscopg2 using MacPorts (i.e. something like port install py26-psycopg2 py26-pil), then you shouldn't have to specify anything in PYTHONPATH. You also don't need to add the /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/… directories to your PATH. After doing this, which python should return /opt/local/bin/python. Python ports installed by MacPorts in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework are already in the sys.path for MacPorts Python. You were not finding them earlier because you were using the System Python (i.e. /usr/bin/python), which has no knowledge of MacPorts Python packages.


Posted 2010-12-22T02:53:45.813

Reputation: 13 618

Thank you fideli. Just tried it. It was super easy and totally worked. That is the right way to do it. – BenjaminGolder – 2010-12-24T07:51:14.723

Why does macports require that you select this python? Why is it not selected by itself (atleast on my machine, I installed python for the first time under macports; shouldn't it have automatically selected that?) – kalaracey – 2012-05-13T14:45:51.980

@kalaracey MacPorts attempts to be non-intrusive when there are obvious conflicts, i.e. MacPorts vs System Python. If you would like to use python26 installed through MacPorts, you must select it using python-select. Note that using Python with the full path /opt/local/bin/python2.6 works as well all the time. – fideli – 2012-05-17T04:19:09.393

1These days it looks like: $ port notes python27 sudo port select --set python python27 – smci – 2013-03-09T02:10:21.397


I think I figured out the answer to my question. I edited my ~/.bash_profile file to include


and then I added all of the existing paths in sys.path:

export PYTHONPATH=/Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/Versions/3/Python:/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-override:/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.7/Python/site-packages:/Library/Frameworks/cairo.framework/Versions/1/Python:/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/

and then I appended the paths to the directories where MacPorts installed stuff:


now when I print sys.path, the paths to the MacPorts install directories are included:



>>> import PIL


>>> import psycopg2

work just fine.


Posted 2010-12-22T02:53:45.813

Reputation: 467

Unfortunately, this doesn't really resolve the issue of having multiple versions of the same library. If there is a library with the same name in two directories, and both are in PATH, how does one know which will be used? – BenjaminGolder – 2010-12-23T01:17:26.877

Found a book on UNIX and shell programming, which said that when given a command the shell will search through the directories in PATH according to the order that they are listed. In other words the first directory listed when you type echo $PATH will be searched first. I assume the same is true of PYTHONPATH. – BenjaminGolder – 2010-12-23T02:38:40.190