Can I SLI a 8800GTX and a 9600GT?


I'm not sure how much more I need to elaborate, but anyway I have two graphics cards: one 8800GTX and one 9600GT. Can I SLI them together?

Is there an online tool that tells you what goes together?

Or do they always have to be the same model?

As far as I can garner they can be different manufacturers, but not sure about the rest.

Josh Comley

Posted 2009-08-13T18:55:25.520

Reputation: 3 582



No that will not work, the GPU must be the same.

From their FAQ:

Can I mix and match graphics cards that have different GPUs?
No. For example, an XXXGT cannot be paired with a XXXGTX in an SLI configuration.

John T

Posted 2009-08-13T18:55:25.520

Reputation: 149 037