having trouble installing openoffice on Fedora 13


I've followed all of these directions (twice now) for my x86 32-bit machine:

but I'm getting this error message after the last step:

[root@Moonface desktop-integration]# rpm -ivh *.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
    openoffice.org3.2-suse-menus conflicts with openoffice.org3.2-freedesktop-menus-3.2-9502.noarch
    openoffice.org3.2-redhat-menus conflicts with openoffice.org3.2-freedesktop-menus-3.2-9502.noarch
    openoffice.org3.2-mandriva-menus conflicts with openoffice.org3.2-freedesktop-menus-3.2-9502.noarch
    mandrake-release is needed by openoffice.org3.2-mandriva-menus-3.2-9502.noarch
    /etc/SuSE-release is needed by openoffice.org3.2-suse-menus-3.2-9502.noarch

How do I resolve this??


Posted 2010-12-17T01:13:18.887

Reputation: 1 005



Two suggestions:

If you don't mind having OpenOffice.org 3.2.0, just run

sudo yum search openoffice
sudo yum install openoffice.org-{writer,calc,impress}

Otherwise, if you don't already have any version of OpenOffice installed try this:

rm *suse-menus*
rm *mandriva-menus*
rm *freedesktop-menus*
rm *mandrake*
sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm


Posted 2010-12-17T01:13:18.887

Reputation: 7 890

should I remove these openOffice files first with "yum remove openoffice.org*"? – Ramy – 2010-12-17T01:38:13.583

Did you already install OpenOffice using Yum (or was it installed by default)? What does rpm -qa "openoffice.org*" say? – Mikel – 2010-12-17T01:39:29.757

i haven't installed it, but I downloaded the rpms (first step in the link i posted). The command you asked me to run returns nothing (back to prompt). – Ramy – 2010-12-17T01:41:40.833

What about ls *freedesktop*? I am assuming you are still in the OpenOffice.org download directory where you ran the rpm -ivh command the first time. – Mikel – 2010-12-17T01:42:50.283

well, i ran the first "rpm..." command in this directory: "OOO320_m18_native_packed-1_en-US.9502"; I get this: ls: cannot access 'freedesktop': No such file or directory; but if I cd to RPMS/desktop-integration, I get this: "openoffice.org3.2-freedesktop-menus-3.2-9502.noarch.rpm – Ramy – 2010-12-17T01:47:54.850

Maybe try this: rpm -ivh --aid openoffice.org-{writer,calc,impress}*. – Mikel – 2010-12-17T02:00:24.823

not sure what the "{}" means but: error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-writer* error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-calc* error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-impress* – Ramy – 2010-12-17T02:16:13.333

Sorry, add a star after org, i.e. "rpm -ivh --aid openoffice.org-{writer,calc,impress}rpm". – Mikel – 2010-12-17T02:34:35.463

error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-writerrpm error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-calcrpm error: File not found by glob: openoffice.org-impressrpm – Ramy – 2010-12-17T02:50:20.293

Let's go back to the start. Why do you want to install it this way? Why not just "yum search openoffice" then "yum install openoffice-exact-name-returned-by-search"? – Mikel – 2010-12-17T03:06:34.080

well, i started trying that. yum search returned a sh*tpile of results. i'm kind of at a loss as to which one to install.... – Ramy – 2010-12-17T03:10:24.497

YES! ok, i blindly picked a "writer" and installed it. worked wonders. – Ramy – 2010-12-17T03:16:36.940