Installing Notepad++ via WINE on Ubuntu Linux



After moving to Linux, I miss having Notepad++ with me and I want to bring it along to my new environment.

I have Wine installed and downloaded the npp.5.8.5.Installer.exe. I have no idea what directory or where this .exe exists or if I have to query Wine or what.

How do I install Notepad++ via Wine on Ubuntu Linux?


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 71

2apt-get install geany – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams – 2011-04-15T02:11:43.417

The advices you've found when googling make sense. Linux users don't give such advices because they are elitist or mean or whatever. Some notorious text editors, notably vim and emacs, have both Linux and Windows versions. Notepad++ doesn't, even if it's based on scintilla, which is not tied to a single OS. You have a problem with notepad++ and if it doesn't run well via wine, your option is to pester its devs to port it to Linux. – vtest – 2011-04-15T05:29:47.423

use geany, it is comparable to np++. – Baarn – 2012-01-04T20:58:36.080



  1. Install Wine:

    sudo apt-get install wine
  2. Configure version (Windows 8 works for me) and drives (Autodetect, ../drive_c points to ~/.wine/drive_c/):

  3. Install:

    wine ~/Downloads/npp.7.3.3.Installer.exe

    Running directly after install may cause the plugins list not to load. It also appears that Plugin Manager 1.3.5 is the latest supported by Wine, as attempting to update the Plugin Manager broke the plugins list.

  4. Run:

    wine "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"

    Or via menu if you don't like debug output. Note that 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows are in Program Files (x86) and that 64-bit Notepad++ doesn't come with the Plugin Manager.

  5. Uninstall:

    wine uninstall

    Run again to make sure it's gone.

Cees Timmerman

Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 1 240

sudo apt-get install wine-stable on Ubuntu 18.04 – Hartmut P. – 2019-09-14T16:03:30.127

I've since switched to Visual Studio Code.

– Cees Timmerman – 2019-09-14T18:13:46.000


This worked perfectly for me and it later survived an upgrade from Ubuntu 16.4.3 to 18.4.1 no problem. (I since discovered Sublime-text which is pretty good because it highlights reserved words, strings, table names and aliases differently, and it supports a simple code-formatter extension.)
Fri Jun 15 12:35:45 SAST 2018

  1. Enable 32bit on a 64bit environment (more...)

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  2. Install the latest version of Wine (more...)

    sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable
    wine --version

    :~$ wine-3.0.1

  3. Configure version (Windows 8 worked for me) and drives (Autodetect, ../drive_c points to ~/.wine/drive_c/)

  4. Add mono .NET interpreter. (more...)

    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
    sudo apt install apt-transport-https
    echo "deb stable-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list
    sudo apt update
  5. Open win32 applications with wine from Program Files (x86)

    wine "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
  6. FYI: You can explore the wine environment with a dos shell

    wine cmd


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 81

1@bertieb, how's that...? – wwmbes – 2018-06-15T11:10:27.013

Huge improvement! Excellent edit :) – bertieb – 2018-06-15T13:59:50.360


Just run the installer with wine.

$ wine npp.5.8.5.Installer.exe

That should just work as long is it is an app that "plays nice".

You should also see an icon in your gnome or KDE menu.

But.... yes, Vim is better. ;-)


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 7 263

wine: cannot find L"C:\windows\system32\npp.5.8.5.Installer.exe" – bodhidarma1 – 2010-12-14T07:04:09.833

IIRC, you have to configure wine first, I think it's winecfg or something. I can't verify now since I don't have wine installed. I'm sure there are docs... You might have one or two issues. See

– Keith – 2010-12-14T18:01:27.620


Sadly in my experience Notepad++ does not work well in Ubuntu with Wine. The closest Linux text editor I could find that was somewhat similar to Notepad++ was SciTE.


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 7 287

1It works very well? What OS are you using? -- I am using Linux Mint, XFCE Desktop, wine config is pointing to WIN XP. – eddy147 – 2018-03-23T13:12:16.693

I've also had great success with notepad++ via Wine in Linux Mint. – davidparks21 – 2018-05-10T17:37:07.867

2@davidparks21 please note that I answered this question 7 years ago. There have been a lot of updates to Wine and NP++ in that time. – ubiquibacon – 2018-05-10T18:10:11.127

I don't mean any disrespect to your answer, I only mean to make it most relevant now, it is currently being found via google searches. Things change over time, that's normal. The other answer is better suited to current needs and thus voting should reflect that. – davidparks21 – 2018-05-10T18:28:12.870

2I assume that's because both notepad++ and scite use scintilla. – vtest – 2011-04-15T05:22:20.283

@vtest I had never thought about it, but now that you mention it, yes, I'm sure that is why. – ubiquibacon – 2011-04-15T07:17:36.773


Notepad++ (notepad-plus-plus) is a snap package in the default repositories of all currently supported versions of Ubuntu. To install Notepad++ open the terminal and type:

sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus  

To add Notepad++ navigation to other drives besides the default drive:

sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:removable-media

enter image description here


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 11 374

Works OK on my Xubuntu 16.04 box, but the little code completion popup window seems to steal the focus temporarily from the main window every time a key is pressed which causes missing keystrokes when typing quickly. Initially the font wasn't monospace (as it is under Windows), to change that I went to Settings -> Style Configurator menu, chose Default Style under the Global Styles language and changed the font to FreeMono. – FriendFX – 2019-04-18T03:09:59.380

1To remove the code completion popup window, go to Settings->Preferences...->Auto-Completion and untick Enable auto-completion on each input. – Tim Rogers – 2019-08-17T09:37:03.930


I downloaded the zip distribution of Notepad++ 6.4.2 and launched notepad++.exe with wine.

So far it works.


Posted 2010-12-14T05:42:28.203

Reputation: 11