E6410 latitude won't sleep


E6410 when I hit sleep will black the screen and show HD and wifi lights indefinitely. Never gets to sleep. Have to power off and on.

This seems to be affected by Dropbox; when I disable it before hibernating or sleeping, it goes down just fine...


Posted 2010-12-04T05:59:55.920

Reputation: 666

operating system? – Robert S Ciaccio – 2010-12-04T06:16:10.790

Win 7 32 bit pro. – Caveatrob – 2010-12-04T06:49:15.910



It's Dropbox, as far as I can tell. I found this on a dell forum as a batch file you can run to hibernate the computer:

taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe /t
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
cd C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin
start Dropbox.exe


Posted 2010-12-04T05:59:55.920

Reputation: 666