Record the last three hours of video with a webcam?



Is there a way to use a webcam to record video to a some buffer on a computer.

For example, the buffer could store only the last three hours of video. I could then hit stop and that buffer is saved to another file that I can then play back.

This would be for Windows. I don't care about buffer size, hard drive space is cheap :P


Posted 2010-12-03T20:27:59.653

Reputation: 181

Any specific operating system requirements? Also, that would be a hell of a huge buffer. – Shinrai – 2010-12-03T20:42:33.813

I've edited the question to reflect the operating system. It would be fine for any flavor of Windows XP or higher. – Jared – 2010-12-03T20:50:18.113

This sounds like something that would come up in the security field. I've never seen it for general use, but I could imagine that something similar (though with longer times) would be perfect for store security cameras, for instance. – Michael Kohne – 2010-12-03T21:25:27.950

For us humans who don't want to come up with a solution, uStream is on our side. – digitxp – 2010-12-03T23:54:43.360



I put together a Python script that can do this. By default it will record the previous 24 hours of video. Feel free to make any modifications you want to it:

I did a blog post describing it, and made the source code available online.


Posted 2010-12-03T20:27:59.653

Reputation: 181

do you still have the source code available? Google Code was taken down. Thanks! – Alexander Taubenkorb – 2017-08-04T06:03:20.687