I have multiple accounts on many of the same services. I would like a better way to manage my sessions.
- A personal Gmail account, and one for work
- A personal Amazon account, one for work
- A personal hosting account, one for work, one I manage for a freelance client
- Many other scenarios like this
As a developer, I'd like to avoid repetitive logins for
- browse as a logged-in admin
- browse as a logged-in user
- browse as a guest, or any other role
I'd like to avoid having to logout, login, logout, login, over and over again.
I understand that some services like Gmail offer simultaneous logins, but I want a general purpose solution that works for all services.
Chrome Incognito Mode is not designed for this
Chrome Incognito Mode gives you a new cookie jar, but cookies are shared across other incognito windows. At best, this means you can have two sessions.
Other browser extensions you may rely upon are not available in Incognito windows (nor should they be)
This isn't Incognito's intended purpose
@Andrey answer about the extension MultiLogin is the best answer for me it works flawlessly
– Metafaniel – 2015-03-04T18:42:54.587About the question, it is also usefull this functionality for developers, foe example I'm programming a web system with multiple users profiles and with that plugin I can log in as a distinct user in each tab and see test the interaction with all these roles ;) – Metafaniel – 2015-03-04T18:44:45.423
I don't such an extension exists - atleast I cannot seem to find one. – Sathyajith Bhat – 2010-12-03T21:30:11.850
I recently had a similar issue, Now that you can login to GoogleAPP accounts from gmail.com. I could have a Personal gmail and a work Gapp Account logged in with shortcut bar icon for each. I have yet to find a fix – Lightly Salted – 2010-12-03T22:21:42.283