Software to stream a home webcam



I am visiting my family for a few days and would like to setup a webcam at my apartment to stream video while I am gone.

I found this question, but the answer isn't really what I was looking for.

I more interested in desktop software, such as WebcamXP, but was wondering if there were any alternatives.


Posted 2010-11-24T16:38:21.017

Reputation: 472

Do you mean like surveillance, so that you can make sure your house is still in tact while you are gone? – David – 2010-11-24T16:47:11.057



I assume your under Windows? I think it would be easier under a linux variant.

but for windows try these: one of my buddies is using ugolog

EDIT: In that case use ubuntu. There are lots of tutorials out there. and:


Posted 2010-11-24T16:38:21.017

Reputation: 3 447

Dual boot Windows 7 x64, and Ubuntu 10.10 – instanceofTom – 2010-11-24T17:40:14.473


It isn't the easiest solution, but should also work cross platform.

If you install VLC Media Player on whatever machine you want to be the server, and if the webcam is correctly installed, VLC should be able to pick it up and stream it across a network.

You can then use another copy of VLC (or anything else that supports the protocol) to watch what is being shown.

I would also say to test this before you go from an outside connection just to make sure that all ports and everything are configured correctly.

William Hilsum

Posted 2010-11-24T16:38:21.017

Reputation: 111 572


Do you need recording capabilities, or just the ability to check in on your apartment? A quick and dirty solution would be to create a account and just stream using that.


Posted 2010-11-24T16:38:21.017

Reputation: 1 744

Just need to check in. I may try – instanceofTom – 2010-11-24T17:39:19.310