Video from Frames at the OS X Command Line or Python?


I am looking for a good way to turn a stack of images into a video on the command line or python. Here is my setup:

  • OS X 10.6
  • Sequence of images either in png or pdf format. (i.e. 001.png, 002.png, ...)

  • Want output to be as uncompressed and high quality as possible.

  • Want output in either MPEG-4 or avi.

I am aware of convert (i.e. ImageMagik) and ffmpeg but have not have much luck with either thus far, so I'm hoping for some guidance. Thanks!


Posted 2010-11-24T00:33:27.607

Reputation: 1 985

1What were the exact commands that you tried using convert and ffmpeg? – fideli – 2010-11-24T00:42:26.590



See qt_tools. Also, if just a few times, you can open a folder of images in QuickTime and do it via the GUI.


Posted 2010-11-24T00:33:27.607


qt_export from qt_tools is just what I was looking for. Thannks! – dtlussier – 2010-11-24T16:46:54.613

qt_export also has a nice feature to launch the format dialog from QuickTime allowing for configuration without having to resort to command line options while getting familiar with the tool. – dtlussier – 2010-11-25T04:07:41.757


The code_swarm folks do something similar, here's (step 4) an article how they generate a video from images, including the mencoder and ffmpeg command line arguments. I used it a while ago successfully on Ubuntu.

Daniel Beck

Posted 2010-11-24T00:33:27.607

Reputation: 98 421