I have two 17" Macbook Pro's. One is dead, other one is alive.
I disassembled the dead one, and removed it's working display successfully.
As I see it, it has a LG LP171WU6-TLA1 display with 40 pins connector. And it needs power (I'm guessing, 12V 3,3)
My question is,
1) how do I make an adapter mini-dvi to that 40 pins connector? Is there one on sale? 2) can I power it using my USB ports? If yes, how? if no, how else I can power it up?
it'll be cool if you figure it out...good luck – RobotHumans – 2010-11-22T07:53:23.767
Take a look at this question. It's extremely similar.
– AndrejaKo – 2010-11-22T09:26:53.153