Windows equivalent of whereis?



Is there an equivalent of the Unix whereis command in Windows?

So that I could figure out where commands I can run actually is.


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 27 731



The where command does what you want and goes back at least to the resource kit for Windows 98, and is included by default in Server 2003, Vista, and newer:

C:\>where csc

If executed with no arguments (on Vista), it results in one of my favorite messages:

ERROR: The operation completed successfully.

If executing in PowerShell, be sure to include '.exe' to distinguish from any 'where' aliases or scripts along the path. ('where' is a typical alias for Where-Object.ps1)

C:\> where.exe where.exe


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 2 866

4Everyday I learn something new... – Rubens Mariuzzo – 2013-01-25T04:00:25.793

4Kind of sad where just returns usage help now in Windows 7. Wanted to see it for myself :p – Svish – 2014-02-06T13:48:07.427

2where not available in XP – Tom Roggero – 2014-02-10T01:55:18.727

1@TomRoggero, I could have been more clear. It's part of the optional resource kit starting with Windows 98, and only included in the base install for version after XP. – Kevin – 2014-02-10T17:32:25.300


hackerish which.cmd:

@echo off
@set PATH=.;%PATH%

@rem about:  something similar like the unix-alike-which, but with
@rem         within pure cmd

if "%1" == "" (
    @echo Usage: 
    @echo   which 'cmd'
    @echo.if 'cmd' is not found, ERRORLEVEL is set to 1
) else (
    ( @for %%f in (%1 %1.exe %1.cmd %1.bat %1.pif) do if not "%%~$PATH:f" == "" ( @echo %%~$PATH:f ) else @set ERRORLEVEL=1) 


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 52 754

1This is a good fix for older systems, but you should know that it results in a few quirks. It matches directories, only returns the first result found in the path for each extension, and should include every extension found in the PATHEXT environment variable. – Kevin – 2009-09-11T14:48:01.630

yah, this is a bit older hack of mine, when i pasted it here i instantly saw the potential for %PATHEXT% :) – akira – 2009-09-11T18:08:45.627


Please, use where command:

> where app.exe

It is the best way to achieve your goal.

You can also use PowerShell command:

> $env:path.Split(';') | gci -Filter app.exe

and expanded version looks like this:

 > $env:path.Split(';') | select -Unique | ? {$_ -and (test-path $_)} | gci -Filter app.exe

Arek Bee

Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 71


Somewhere "out there" I found this batch file whereis.bat:

@for %%e in (%PATHEXT%) do @for %%i in (%1%%e) do @if NOT "%%~$PATH:i"=="" echo %%~$PATH:i

Update: maybe I found it here.

Craig McQueen

Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 1 020


There is at least a Windows port for the which utility.


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 9 208


function find ($string) { 
   Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\' -Recurse -Filter $string; 

function whereis ($string) { 
   $superpath = "$env:Path;C:\Program Files;C:\Program Files (x86)";
   (echo $superpath).Split(';') | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter $string; 


PS >find Mozilla.admx

    Directory: C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions                                                                                     

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                           
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                           
-a----        1/27/2016  12:22 PM          37146 Mozilla.admx                                                                   

PS >whereis firefox.exe

    Directory: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox                                                                                 

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                           
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                           
-a----        9/21/2017   5:30 PM         477136 firefox.exe        


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 21


I was searching for this today and since I'm on XP without the resource kit, I turned to powershell with the following command:

dir -path c:\ -filter ffmpeg.* -r


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 129

I'm not proficient in powershell but it seems you're searching through the whole directory tree. This is not equivalent to where which only searches in the %PATH%. Moreover it's much slower and gives errors for folders you don't have read permission – phuclv – 2017-04-30T03:07:09.000

Agreed... I did not require an exact copy of the functionality, just the ability to locate a program. – KalenGi – 2017-04-30T09:44:44.253


You can try searching for the command using the following:

dir /s type-whatever-you-are-searching


Posted 2009-08-11T10:50:38.050

Reputation: 7

This does not work for me. For example, the exp command is in my path, but dir/s exp or dir /s exp.exe just gives "File Not Found". – bobmcn – 2009-09-10T21:12:12.687

5This would work if a) you search from the root of the drive, b) your path is all on one drive, and c) your path is in lexicographical order. Even under these conditions it will be ridiculously slow. – Kevin – 2009-09-10T23:09:35.727