Scroll shell output with mouse in tmux



Mouse scrolling doesn't work in tmux the way it works when I run shell without tmux (in Gnome Terminal). It seems tmux sends mouse scroll events as if I pressed Up/Down keys. But I want it to scroll though the shell output history. Is there a way to make tmux work like this?

Note: I know how to scroll with the keyboard (thanks to another question here).

I tried mouse scrolling in two versions of tmux:


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 2 823

1I think bukzor's answer solves your problem for tmux 1.5 and newer. – kynan – 2011-12-09T13:31:54.680



To scroll within history of the output You would use ^b + [ You can then use M+V to page up and ^V to page down. I don't know if You can use the real PgUp and PgDown though. My terminal does not send these keys to the tmux. Instead it scrolls itself and not the tmux history.

To exit the copy mode, press ESC

To use your mouse in this mode (called copy mode) press ^b + : and enter following:

setw -g mouse on

Note: In tmux < 2.1, the option was named mode-mouse, and not mouse

Now when You change to the copy mode you can use your mouse to scroll through it. You can put this command in your ~/.tmux.conf if You want so it loads every time You run tmux.

Update: As of tmux 1.5 this option makes using the scroll wheel automatically switch to copy mode and scroll back the tmux scrollback buffer. It is not necessary to first hit Ctrl-B + [ any more. Scrolling back down to the prompt also ends copy mode automatically.


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 2 741

7Not working for me on OS X. – Ain – 2015-03-10T13:27:49.053

2@Ain - There are now 11 major versions of OS X. Which version are we talking about exactly? – Ramhound – 2015-07-08T12:24:18.673

1The latest, 10.10.4. – Ain – 2015-07-08T12:52:03.907

10For tmux >= 2.1, see @DannyRe's answer (currently quite far down). – joelostblom – 2015-12-31T18:07:27.300

3set -g mouse on worked for me on macOS tmux 2.1 – Miguel Mota – 2017-01-05T17:58:59.053

This setting works for ubuntu 18.04, is there any way to make it permanent – Elbek – 2019-11-26T06:38:13.783

Worked on my Ubuntu – Aditya Kresna Permana – 2019-12-04T07:14:39.313


Note that you may have to reload the config file if you already have a running tmux server. tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

– Allan Nienhuis – 2013-12-01T17:31:50.643


There are some changes for Tmux 2.1

  • Mouse-mode has been rewritten. There's now no longer options for:

    • mouse-resize-pane
    • mouse-select-pane
    • mouse-select-window
    • mode-mouse

    Instead there is just one option: 'mouse' which turns on mouse support entirely.

That would be

set -g mouse on
# to enable mouse scroll, see
bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'copy-mode -e'"


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 1 373


Thanks, now selecting panes, etc work, but scrolling doesn't. In order to make scrolling work again, use this:

– Mahdi – 2015-10-20T20:15:06.150

1awesome - this even works on cygwin - tmux on WINDOWS 7 – GWD – 2016-01-21T15:52:13.213

@Mahdi This seems to not work on osx. Any hints? – DiTTiD – 2016-02-11T08:39:20.090

@SolidSnake: I don't remember facing any issues using that plugin. It worked smoothly, I enabled mouse mode and then installed it. You should reload your tmux config using tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf – Mahdi – 2016-02-11T20:01:04.937

2bind doesn't seem to be necessary anymore on tmux 2.3 – Theron Luhn – 2016-12-05T18:49:22.977

4+1 for set -g mouse on . Previous comment is correct. The bind is no longer needed. – Dakusan – 2018-02-12T19:19:41.573


The current version of tmux (1.5) lets you simply set the mode-mouse option on, and allows you to scroll with the mouse wheel.

         mode-mouse [on | off]
                 Mouse state in modes.  If on, the mouse may be used to
                 enter copy mode and copy a selection by dragging, to
                 enter copy mode and scroll with the mouse wheel, or to
                 select an option in choice mode.

In my .tmux.conf:

set-window-option -g mode-mouse on


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 1 775

Note that, however this works fine for triggering the scroll with the mouse, it causes odd behavior when selecting text to be pasted with middle-click. I ended up preffering C-b pg-up/down (the default) since the tradeoff was not acceptable. – h7r – 2015-05-14T19:18:00.823

@ChrisR I get this quite a bit too and it isn't quite consistent. Is it a [M [M#[M [M#[M [M#[M [M#[M type of string? – Elijah Lynn – 2016-01-08T00:34:33.187

That is the behaviour you really want! Mouse scroll enabling copy mode, not just scrolling the shell alternate buffer. That was finally the incentive to switch from screen to tmux for me. Is there an option to get the same behaviour also with Shift+PgUp? – kynan – 2011-12-09T13:24:34.370

1@kynan: I personally just press C-A PgUp to do that. You can bind the page-up key directly with tmux bind-key -n PPage copy-mode -u. The similar thign should work for shift+pageup if you un-bind it from your local terminal. – bukzor – 2012-12-12T20:04:12.877

1This results in an odd behaviour where, when I scroll back to the command line, I get an extra character inserted into the CLI, which usually results in my first command being malformed. It's pretty annoying. – Chris R – 2012-12-27T17:01:15.697


Try this in your .tmux.conf

# Make mouse useful in copy mode
setw -g mode-mouse on

# Allow mouse to select which pane to use
set -g mouse-select-pane on

# Allow xterm titles in terminal window, terminal scrolling with scrollbar, and setting overrides of C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right
set -g terminal-overrides "xterm*:XT:smcup@:rmcup@:kUP5=\eOA:kDN5=\eOB:kLFT5=\eOD:kRIT5=\eOC"

# Scroll History
set -g history-limit 30000

# Set ability to capture on start and restore on exit window data when running an application
setw -g alternate-screen on

# Lower escape timing from 500ms to 50ms for quicker response to scroll-buffer access.
set -s escape-time 50

Taken from

John L. Jegutanis

Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 691

+1 for escape-time setting – Dakusan – 2018-02-12T19:22:20.433

1For anyone else wondering, the .tmux.conf file is placed in your home directory. – user2647513 – 2019-09-03T14:56:33.363

Replace mouse settings with just set -g mouse on – Shital Shah – 2019-12-11T10:25:05.443


Someone (from a source I lost) suggested adding the following to ~.tmux.conf:

set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'

I have no idea how it works or what it does, but this now allows me to scroll with the mouse wheel inside a tmux session without having to enter tmux's copy mode; I just scroll the wheel and BAM! it works. Note that I'm using, but I remember the OP gave the answer specifically for use with gnome-terminal.

Jed Daniels

Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 1 166

it mess up the screen if you have multiple panels... – David S. – 2014-12-02T01:20:28.917

Not working with tmux on OS X (Yosemite), scrolls the whole window. – Ain – 2015-03-11T09:46:28.353

@Ain: I think yosemite changed the default, but you can switch it back under terminal preferences->Profiles->Keyboard->"Scroll Alternate Screen". Or you can hold the shift key while scrolling instead. – Jed Daniels – 2015-03-12T02:27:13.713

1Jed, thank you! Your advice works in gnome-terminal too. I will try to use this setup for some time. But it has a disadvantage: mouse scrolling now doesn't work as expected in less. If I load less inside tmux, mouse scrolling doesn't scroll the file opened in less. It scrolls the whole terminal. Strangely, vim behaves as expected inside tmux with your setup. – user31494 – 2011-07-14T18:08:03.880

2Note that as of tmux 1.5 this is superseded by the setw -g mode-mouse on option, which does copy mode scrollback using the mouse wheel. – kynan – 2011-12-09T13:30:37.830


The explanation is that this option disables the scroll lock on the terminal's alternate screen, which is desirable in most cases since applications requesting the alternate screen buffer (vi, less, tmux etc.) provide their own scrolling capabilities. Overriding this lock in tmux allows scrolling the terminal's alternate screen buffer which doesn't give the desired result in all but a few cases. See this answer for a quote from man xterm explaining alternate screen.

– kynan – 2011-12-09T14:26:35.480

Alas, this doesn't work in iTerm – Suan – 2012-01-18T00:11:31.100

I've had positive results with this in iTerm 2 – Keith Smiley – 2013-05-17T04:14:18.633

This worked for me as well using – fiorix – 2014-03-18T05:45:46.610


tmux 2.1 introduces new mouse binds.

I wrote these binds just now today. It seamlessly binds mouse wheel to arrows when not in Vim, because Vim is capable of interpreting the raw mouse wheel codes (for purposes such as choosing which Vim window to scroll for you depending on which one your mouse is over).

This means we can finally use the mouse only to view multiple man pages and whatever else accepts arrow keys. You may extend and chain the if logic as necessary to implement more logic for your applications.

bind -n WheelUpPane if "[[ #{pane_current_command} =~ vim ]]" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys -M" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys Up"
bind -n WheelDownPane if "[[ #{pane_current_command} =~ vim ]]" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys -M" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys Down"

With this new wheel binding capability it is possible to script the mouse wheel to do any context sensitive behavior that you like.

Steven Lu

Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 2 818

I'm now just sort of toying with the idea of making mousewheel on pane border do something interesting. Probably what I'll do is not map wheel on border but map it to cycle the tmux windows when done over the statusline. – Steven Lu – 2015-12-15T23:53:50.247

What's the link to your Github? I'd like to keep abreast of your efforts! Another feature I am looking for is to have double-click copy the word to the X clipboard, like it does outside of Tmux. – joeytwiddle – 2016-03-30T03:11:06.780

@joeytwiddle I highly recommend, see my other answer

– Steven Lu – 2018-01-02T23:54:30.547


If you are already in a tmux session you can run the command

set mouse on

Reminder: to run commands, use your prefix then :.


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 179

thanks worked for me :) – Sohel Ahmed – 2019-10-20T14:32:57.523


Gnome-terminal does some neat trickery translating mouse scroll events to Up and Down arrow keys in conditions of restricted "usual" scrolling. For example, when you view some text using less (this happens in particular when you're reading a man), you can scroll the content using j, k, and arrow keys. But also, with gnome-terminal, you can do that with mouse scrolling, thanks to the mentioned trick.

So I guess tmux does some "capturing" of the terminal just like less - and the same mechanism in gnome-terminal kicks in: mouse scrolling translates into Up/Down arrow key presses.

You can turn this feature off in profile settings and get the regular scrolling in any circumstances. Just unmark the last checkbox in the "scrolling" tab: the checkbox.


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 2 356

Thank you for explanation, uldtko! But it doesn't help with the mouse scrolling problem. Yes, with the option turned off, gnome-terminal stops sending triple ^[[A and ^[[B on mouse-scroll. It's nicer in tmux (no ugly ^[[A^[[A^[[A in some programs, no ugly command-history-scrolling), but now less stops scrolling on mouse-scroll. – user31494 – 2010-12-27T14:48:37.840

1Ukranian? (guessing by the i characters) – dotancohen – 2013-04-18T11:17:29.813


Configurable and feature-rich implementation of mouse control for newer tmuxes. highly recommended.

You likely want to use

set -g @emulate-scroll-for-no-mouse-alternate-buffer "on"

with it also.

Steven Lu

Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 2 818

I installed this but am no longer able to highlight and copy text with the mouse. Are you able to do this? – jonathanking – 2019-01-11T18:03:08.673

Yes you likely have other mouse related tmux config present that conflicts with it. – Steven Lu – 2019-01-11T22:02:15.140


You can combine the binding ideas from the other answers to get a pretty satisfying scrolling behavior: works in vim changes to copy mode automatically in terminal and exits it when you reach the bottom still allows you to use your mousewheel in man, less and journalctl.

My code:

bind -n WheelUpPane if -t = "test $(echo #{pane_current_command} |grep -e 'man' -e 'less' -e 'journalctl')" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys Up Up Up Up"  "if-shell -F -t = '#{?mouse_any_flag,1,#{pane_in_mode}}' 'send-keys -M' 'select-pane -t = ; copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'"
bind -n WheelDownPane if -t = "test $(echo #{pane_current_command} |grep -e 'man' -e 'less' -e 'journalctl')" "select-pane -t = ; send-keys Down Down Down Down"  "if-shell -F -t = '#{?mouse_any_flag,1,#{pane_in_mode}}' 'send-keys -M' 'select-pane -t = ; copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'"

you can add other commands that require arrow keys for scrolling in the grep -e 'man' part

i added the send-keys multiple times, so one tick on the mousewheel will scroll 4 lines at a time


Posted 2010-11-12T14:02:16.820

Reputation: 1