How can I install an RPM on a machine where I don't have root permissions? I want to install a package for my use only in a personal work directory. I'm running SuSe SLES10.
Please don't flame me with "This idea is so dumb, you shouldn't do it because all requests must go through the corporate root god, may he live forever."
I know I can request this of the root god, but I'll be shot down (for immaculate, impeccable reasons, I'm sure...). Besides, he'll never get around to installing it even if he does say he'll do it.
For a better future, look at https://appimage.org/ .
– Ross Rogers – 2018-11-14T18:59:18.2806This isn't a duplicate at all. Overriding the path does not always allow a non-priviledged user to utilize rpm. – John T – 2010-11-11T19:08:37.483
Thanks HarryMC. I'll check that out. Also, adding link to the other ticket that people thought mine was a duplicate of. Maybe the breadcrumbs will help someone else : http://superuser.com/questions/160530/override-rpm-install-path
– Ross Rogers – 2010-11-11T22:47:42.970