Debug cron job - how to get results emailed?



I am trying to debug why my the support ticket system I am setting up is not pulling the POP email from my Google Apps email.

I set up a cron job for this, per the instructions of the developer of the support ticket system:

php -q /home/username/public_html/support_ticket_sw/pipe/pop.php >/dev/null 2>&1

Then, based on some other thread on this site, I did this...

php -q /home/username/public_html/support_ticket_sw/pipe/pop.php >/dev/null 2>&1 | mail -s "cron output"

...Now I get emails but they are empty. Do I need to put something relevant in stead of "cron output". I assumed that is the email subject line but maybe thre should go the output of the cron job? I don't know what that is...


Posted 2010-11-10T00:45:47.550

Reputation: 13



Just remove the ">/dev/null 2>&1", and anything the command outputs will be emailed.

Cron normally emails the output of commands, if the commands output anything, unless you include redirection operators, which is exactly what "2>&1" and ">/dev/null" are.


Posted 2010-11-10T00:45:47.550

Reputation: 63 487

Thanks, that clarified that aspect. I am now getting the error message: Error Occurred: Can't connect to,995: Connection timed out. – Strategerizer – 2010-11-10T01:49:54.090

1And if you want the mails sent to some external address rather than your local mailbox, put at the beginning of the crontab. – Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' – 2010-11-10T01:49:55.680

2Actually Gilles is incorrect - the line should read: – Tony Maro – 2013-03-10T18:42:21.313