Xcode find in document stuck in case-sensitive


When in Xcode editing code for my objective C files, I often press Command-F to bring up the little Find-In-Document banner across the top. Sometimes this gets stuck in case-sensitive search, and when it does that it also won't loop through the entire document and sometimes won't even display the selected found string.

I can't find any options to turn off the case sensitivity, and I never intentionally turned it on. I've restarted xcode several times hoping that would be it but it's changed nothing.

Slightly off-topic, but this was the best place I could think of to ask this question. Thanks for any response!


Posted 2010-11-04T23:25:04.280

Reputation: 123



Found the answer elsewhere: Clicking the little magnifying glass on the left of the text field brings up a menu that lets you disable case sensitive and re-enable wrap around. Not sure how it got like that in the first place, but now I know it's blatantly easy to fix!


Posted 2010-11-04T23:25:04.280

Reputation: 123


Actually it's safer to keep the case sensitivity always on and just turn it off on very specific cases, specially if you use the replace tool. Just my 2ยข.

Vegetus '78

Posted 2010-11-04T23:25:04.280

Reputation: 1