How do I remove Windows Mobile Device Center from Windows 7?



How do I remove Windows Mobile Device Center from Windows 7?

When I connect any mobile device, I don't want Windows Mobile Device Center to pop up, like ActiveSync 4.5 did.


Posted 2010-11-01T08:50:28.640

Reputation: 1 908



User flapjack's solution on xda-developers forum:

I was able to fix this. First, I stopped and disabled both WMDC services under Computer Management > Services. Then, I found mobsync.exe in the Windows/System32 folder, went into "Permissions" for it, took ownership, then removed all the accounts except the "Everyone" permissions. For Everyone, I set it to "Deny All".

I now have no WMDC or sync stuff popping up. It's great. I can still browse the phone from My Computer > TYTN II. I can also still use MyMobiler to control the phone from Windows, so this doesn't kill the USB connection at all.

Hope this helps someone.

Mehper C. Palavuzlar

Posted 2010-11-01T08:50:28.640

Reputation: 51 093


Another user from the xda.developers forums has created a program that achieves just what you're looking for:


Posted 2010-11-01T08:50:28.640

Reputation: 151