How do I enable internet-style quoting in Outlook Web Access?



How can I enable internet-style quoting in Outlook Web Access? I have found several guides on how to enable it in Outlook but not a single one on Outlook Web Access. We are running version 8.1.

I cannot access the server using Exchange/IMAP externally. This is providing significant problems for me now since I have to spend a lot of time editing long e-mails before sending replies.

David Holm

Posted 2010-10-28T08:18:09.333

Reputation: 771

2Unbelievable. It's 2016 and you still can't reply inline using the Outlook Office356 web interface. I use Linux and am absolutely not going to install Windows or Outlook in Wine just to reply inline. – Dan Dascalescu – 2016-09-02T06:29:15.377

You do not need IMAP access if you have Outlook, of course. You can add the Exchange server and user details into Outlook, if you have Outlook. – paradroid – 2010-10-28T09:29:25.693

1I forgot to mention that I'm accessing the server externally and the only way to do that is via OWA. – David Holm – 2010-10-28T11:10:51.427

You do not have to use OWA to access Exchange externally. You only have to use it if Outlook is not available to you and you do not have to be on the same LAN. If you go to the Options area in OWA and go to About, you can get your mailbox server name. – paradroid – 2010-10-28T19:02:49.000

@jason404: The problem is that I'm not using windows at home so I cannot run Outlook and since there is no IMAP I cannot use my preferred client either. – David Holm – 2010-10-29T08:09:38.813

In that case, you're probably best off using another client to connect to Exchange. – paradroid – 2010-10-29T12:08:14.343



No, you cannot do email quoting in OWA. That being said, you can use Firefox with the It's All Text! add-on to open the text in a text editor and then add the quoting prefix there. From Fix Outlook Quoting Style:

  1. In OWA, choose to reply to a message. Horribly quoted message text appears.

  2. Use It’s All Text or some other similar tool to open message text in a reasonably smart editor.

  3. Filter entire message text through this script. E.g. in Vim type :%!path-to-script.rb, after making the script executable of course.

  4. Replace original mesage text with output of filter. If using It’s All Text, just type :wq.

  5. Presto! Correctly quoted message. You might have to move your sig, though.

That’s how to use it, now here’s the script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Fix outlook quoting. Inspired by perl original by Kevin D. Clark.
# This program is meant to be used as a text filter. It reads a plaintext
# outlook-formatted email and fixes the quoting to the "internet style",
# so that::
#   -----Original Message-----
#   [from-header]: Blah blah
#   [timestamp-header]: day month etc
#   [...]
#   message text
# or::
#   ___________________________
#   [from-header]: Blah blah
#   [timestamp-header]: day month etc
#   [...]
#   message text
# becomes::
#   On day month etc, Blah blah wrote:
#   > message text
# It's not meant to alter the contents of other peoples' messages, just to
# filter the topmost message so that when you start replying, you get a nice
# basis to start from.
require 'date'
require 'pp'

message =
# split into two parts at the first reply delimiter
# match group so leaves the delim in the array,
# this gets stripped away in the FieldRegex if's else clause
msgparts = message.split(/(---*[\w\s]+---*|______*)/)
# first bit is what we've written so far
mymsg = msgparts.slice!(0)
# rest is the quoted message
theirmsg = msgparts.join
# this regex separates message header field name from field content
FieldRegex = /^\s*(.+?):\s*(.+)$/
from = nil
date = nil
theirbody = []
theirmsg.lines do |line|
  if !from || !date
    if FieldRegex =~ line
      parts = line.scan(FieldRegex)
      if !from
        from = parts.first.last
      elsif !date
          date = parts.first.last
        rescue ArgumentError
          # not a parseable date.. let's just fail
          date = " "
      # ignore non-field, this strips extra message delims for example
    theirbody << line.gsub(/^/, "> ").gsub(/> >/, ">>")

puts mymsg
puts "On #{date}, #{from} wrote:\n"
puts theirbody.join("")


Posted 2010-10-28T08:18:09.333

Reputation: 3 758


Assuming that you are using Linux, here are a couple of alternative email clients which you could try:

Gnome: Evolution - This definitely works, but connecting to Exchnage through OWA.

KDE: Kontact - It appears that this works with older Exchange servers.


Posted 2010-10-28T08:18:09.333

Reputation: 20 970

Thank you for the answer but I really would like to be able to do this from OWA instead of using client software as I usually access it using a browser. – David Holm – 2010-11-02T08:54:51.417