Taking screenshots


Possible Duplicate:
Screenshot Taking Tools

I need to take a screen shot of my disk management system.


Posted 2010-10-26T17:00:39.073

Reputation: 69

Question was closed 2010-10-26T18:00:37.727


How is that different from taking screenshots in general? (And if it's not: 54 answers at Screenshot Taking Tools.)

– Arjan – 2010-10-26T17:02:23.027

1Odd, I commented within 2 minutes after this vague question was posted, but the question asker has already signed off? Voting to close then. – Arjan – 2010-10-26T17:26:19.273



Press the Print screen or PRTSC button that should be on the right side of your F keys at the top of the keyboard.

Then paste into the program you like (Paint, MS Word, etc.) by using Ctrl + V.


Posted 2010-10-26T17:00:39.073

Reputation: 27 374

1You mean Command-Shift-3 ;-) – Arjan – 2010-10-26T17:08:14.993

1@Arjan on a Mac yes indeed xD – BloodPhilia – 2010-10-26T17:11:25.540