I've a locally compiled version of apache, which in the control file has
Replaces: apache2, apache2-mpm, httpd, httpd-cgi, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-utils, apache2-common, apache2.2-bin, apache2.2-common
Conflicts: apache2, apache2-mpm, httpd, httpd-cgi, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-utils, apache2-common, apache2.2-bin, apache2.2-common
However if I then do apt-get install php5, apt tries to remove my package and install the apache packages from the ubuntu repository.
I've tried swapping Replaces, Conflicts and Provides but can't seem to get it to keep my local package, the package is priority "optional" which is the same as apache2.
Does anyone know how I can configure my package to replace ubuntu's apache?
That worked thanks, I used the ubuntu control file to compile my own with a higher version number as you suggested :) – Rwky – 2010-10-26T01:48:07.057