Configuring Notepad++ to highlight .proj files as XML


Digging around the settings, Google and Super User, I haven't found how to do this.


Posted 2010-10-19T07:54:26.707

Reputation: 9 293



You can also do this from the UI:

Settings > Style Configurator

Select "XML" in the Language list (1) and add "csproj" to the "User ext." field (2):

alt text


Posted 2010-10-19T07:54:26.707

Reputation: 39 650


You'll need to edit the langs.xml file in Notepad++'s installation directory, which is usually C:\Program Files\Notepad++. Just find the XML section near the bottom of the file and add "proj" to the list of XML extensions.

Tim S. Van Haren

Posted 2010-10-19T07:54:26.707

Reputation: 428

You'll have to use a different editor to do it this way. Notepad++ will overwrite langs.xml on exit. ChrisF's answer is probably the correct way to do it (and the reason langs.xml gets overwritten). – Velociraptors – 2010-10-19T19:11:16.453