How can I determine which tasks/programs are running during idle?


I'm running Windows 7 and I see lots of activity when the machine is idle. How can I filter or view the tasks that are running when idle?

Ryan Peters

Posted 2010-10-18T21:47:58.370

Reputation: 333

When you say you 'see lots of activity', where are you looking? – Shinrai – 2010-10-18T22:07:38.843

Lots of HDD activity. – Ryan Peters – 2010-10-19T10:36:21.927



You can try this: open the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE -> Start Task Manager) or (Right-click taskbar -> Start Task Manager), click the processes tab, if you have admin privileges then click Show processes from all users at the bottom, and then just wait a few minutes (for the pc to go idle) and see which process takes up more CPU.


Posted 2010-10-18T21:47:58.370

Reputation: 126


Type resmon in the "search programs and files" box and hit enter, its better than task manager.



Posted 2010-10-18T21:47:58.370

Reputation: 54 203


Use What's my computer doing. It shows all programs (with details), that are accessing your hard disk or using the CPU. It's freeware.

Mehper C. Palavuzlar

Posted 2010-10-18T21:47:58.370

Reputation: 51 093