Ubuntu encryptfs-mount-private not working


Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Ran some updates, finally got around to rebooting.

When I rebooted, It came up with Some errors about missing files, etc...

Came to discover my home directory was not decrypted. I simply had a readme file that said to run "encryptfs-mount-private".

When I do it doesn't tell me the passphrase is incorrect, it tells me

Inserted auth tok with sig [xxxxxxxxxx] into the user session keyring
You do not own that encrypted directory

and I do own it. If I put in a different pass it tells me it's incorrect, I'm logging in fine, but my home directory is remaining encrypted.



Posted 2010-10-11T04:08:42.337

Reputation: 161



A possible problem is that your user might not own the hidden /home/<username>/.ecryptfs directory, so can't read the encrypted files to decrypt.

Solution there is to ensure your user has ownership of that file:

$ sudo chown -r <username>:<username> ~/.ecryptfs
$ ecryptfs-mount-private

Wes Winham

Posted 2010-10-11T04:08:42.337

Reputation: 111