Firefox extension that will allow Chrome-like tab closing for Firefox 3?



This is the behavior I'm talking about. It's coming to Firefox 4, but is there an extension that will give this functionality to 3.6?

Matt Alexander

Posted 2010-10-08T14:02:21.593

Reputation: 749

I've got FF4 and it's not there :( – fredley – 2011-03-22T16:01:58.213

1@fredley I just got Firefox 5.0 and it is there! – Matt Alexander – 2011-06-25T01:00:26.897



I don't think you can have the exact same behavior in FF 3.

But if you want the close button to always be at the same spot, you can use the add-on Close Button:

Adds a Close Tab (or Window, or Browser) button to the toolbar, so you can put it where you want it.


Another useful add-on is Multiple Tab Handler to close multiple tabs with one click.


Posted 2010-10-08T14:02:21.593

Reputation: 306 093


Also, you can middle click anywhere in a tab to close it. That works in just about everything thing with tabs. (FF, Chrome, notepad ++) I find this just as easy, no need to hit just a small "x", click the tab.

If you are on a laptop clicking both mouse buttons will do the same.


Posted 2010-10-08T14:02:21.593

Reputation: 126