Moving users folder on Windows 7 to another partition



Question based on this answer. I want to do it like that, but I'm installing Windows 7 afresh.

Can anyone provide the exact steps to follow?


Posted 2010-10-06T06:50:14.713

Reputation: 614

Windows 7 does not provide any mechanism for you do move then entire user folder, only some folders within the user folders. So you have to install the system and then work around the issue. Use the info in the linked question, you may also find this helpful (scroll to the bit about symlinks).

– DMA57361 – 2010-10-06T07:54:00.887



Follow the steps provided by totorocat in the linked question. They should still apply for Windows 7, and it is the easiest method to have your profile reside on a separate drive (speaking from experience)

Darth Android

Posted 2010-10-06T06:50:14.713

Reputation: 35 133

Not suitable when there are multiple users to create on my system. – IsmailS – 2010-10-08T05:23:40.613

@Ismail Simply create all the users you need before changing the default profile location back to it's default value. (I.e., repeat step 3 as needed for each user) – Darth Android – 2010-10-08T05:24:52.563