keyboard shortcut for mouse right click



What combination of keys produce a right-click and a left-click?


Posted 2010-10-02T16:51:38.607


1You should probably specify the OS, and window manager (if applicable). – None – 2010-10-02T16:57:14.867

windows7 system – None – 2010-10-02T16:58:38.137



There isn't one for left-click, though spacebar and Enter are often usable.

Right-clicking is usually a request for a context-sensitive menu which is performed on the keyboard either by typing

About 65% of applications out there won't respond to the keyboard request for a context menu, because Windows programmers typically code WM_RBUTTONUP rather than the correct WM_CONTEXTMENU. Coding the latter allows for the correct action in response to the keyboard.


Posted 2010-10-02T16:51:38.607

Reputation: 1 125

Ironically, SQL Server Management Studio falls within the 65%. ;-\ – Brad Christie – 2015-01-11T03:55:53.707

@BeowulfNode42 oddly enough, my Logitech keyboard has a <kbd>FN</kbd> inbetween the <kbd>Alt Gr</kbd> and the <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> keys, right of the <kbd>SPACE</kbd>. If I press the <kbd>FN</kbd> key and left click, I get a context menu. – Rebecca – 2015-04-21T14:21:56.353

Got stuck RDPing to a server and was trying to right click in a VM with no mouse; Shift+F10 saved the day. – Chris – 2015-11-14T03:06:22.793

Never noticed the "menu/pointer looking thing usually to the right of the space bar..." key until now... – Rosdi – 2016-03-18T18:10:56.983

@BradChristie I'm not sure which version of SSMS you used, but it looks like they fixed that at least in SQL 2016. – GibralterTop – 2017-09-27T15:01:35.573

1@GibralterTop: Good to know. I believe I was using 2014 but can't be certain. Either way, I'm glad it works now. (Maybe they're SO/SE users and saw my comment). ;-) – Brad Christie – 2017-09-28T13:25:02.123

4+1 for "menu/pointer looking thing usually to the right of the space bar between Alt and Ctrl". Thanks. – Xavierjazz – 2010-10-02T21:03:15.133

8+1 for Shift+F10 as my stupid Logitech keyboard at work doesn't have the context key, it has a Fn key instead. If I could another +1 for the tip on trigger events too. – BeowulfNode42 – 2014-05-21T01:41:06.233


You can define your own using software like autohotkey:


This code replaces:

  • left alt to left mouse click
  • right alt to right mouse click



Link to autohotkey keyboard remapping: link
Link to autohotkey download : link


Posted 2010-10-02T16:51:38.607

Reputation: 376

7If you're actually after the context menu (and not a physical rt-click) use ~RAlt::AppsKey in your AutoHotKey script. – yhw42 – 2011-05-27T18:58:36.007


I have a new Logitech K740 keyboard. It just replaced my old Dell letters-scratched-off key board that had built-in context menu selection and calculator shortcut keys.

The solution to the context menu issue on the Logitech K740 is FN + PrintScrn (shows a little page or list). This key combo pops open the context menu.


Posted 2010-10-02T16:51:38.607

Reputation: 11