How do I get rid of the extra options on a pinned program on the start menu



In Windows 7 when I pin certain programs, somehow there is something that allows them to have a sub menu. Examples of this are both Firefox (Enter private browsing) and Chrome (New window, New incognito window).

For some reason on some machines I don't see this, and on others I do. I tend to not like having these extra options - how do I disable this from showing up for pinned programs and just have it be a shortcut.


Posted 2010-09-29T15:56:02.947

Reputation: 6 642

1I didn't think you can - this is a new feature of Windows 7. However, it is a new feature of Firefox - Chrome has supported it for some time. Are you sure that both machines are running the same versions of these programs? – William Hilsum – 2010-09-29T16:03:17.130

They are.. chrome always auto updates and I'm using the same branch (stable). One shows options, one does not. – mindless.panda – 2010-09-29T17:09:54.300



For Firefox specifically it is a new feature. I am running 3.6.10 and I do not have these options, but when I run Firefox 4 Beta 5+ I do have these options. I believe these options are handled on a per application basis. As far as I know there are no options to disable these context menu options.


Posted 2010-09-29T15:56:02.947

Reputation: 1 970


Firefox - as usual - can be tweaked to suit your preferences. For the taskbar options go to about:config in Firefox and search for: "browser.taskbar ...." In particular:

  • To disable the tasks options, search for browser.taskbar.lists.tasks.enabled and toggle its value to false

  • To disable the frequent list, go to: browser.taskbar.lists.frequent.enabled and toggle its value to false

Other options for the taskbar are also available and the names in about:config (browser.taskbar...) should be explanatory enough. See here for more info: Firefox 4 tips for Windows 7 users


Posted 2010-09-29T15:56:02.947

Reputation: 51


Internet Explorer does not have the option to disable like Firefox. However here is a workaround:

  1. Start

  2. Right click All Programs, Open

  3. Right click, New, Shortcut

  4. For location, put your home page, for example
  5. Pin this new shortcut and you are good to go

Steven Penny

Posted 2010-09-29T15:56:02.947

Reputation: 7 294


You cannot. Firefox and Chrome are adding them.

You might as well be asking:

How can i remove the New Tab menu option in Chrome?

You can't. Having menu's is a feature of Windows, that Chrome and Firefox take advantage of. Windows cannot override what an application does.

Having items in a pin menu is a feature of Windows, that Chrome and Firefox take advantage of. Windows cannot override what an application does.

Some people don't like toolbars either.

Ian Boyd

Posted 2010-09-29T15:56:02.947

Reputation: 18 244

I have Windows 7 installed on 2 machines, on one Chrome has the sub menu and on one it doesn't. Same Windows and Chrome versions. – mindless.panda – 2010-10-07T15:30:38.843

Then i would ask for the version numbers of both. i would also suggest that if one Chome is not showing the "New Tab" option on some machines: it's a bug that you should report. – Ian Boyd – 2010-10-22T21:06:15.943