Is there a tool that will allow concurrent remote sessions into an iMac?


Possible Duplicate:
Can a Mac be used by multiple users at same time?

Hey all,

Looking for 2+ users to be able to remote into an iMac we have and each have their own session. Machine is going to be used as a platform to develop for iOS as well as a general purpose machine.

I understand that VNC is built into the OS but it doesnt appear to allow multiple sessions. Its also fairly slow.

Is there a way I can accomplish this server type setup with my iMac?



Posted 2010-09-28T19:09:45.197

Reputation: 926

Question was closed 2010-09-28T23:19:22.910

Multiple monitors with multiples sections is barely even on Linux yet, and with Apple and all its cutting edge stability, I doubt it will make it on before they slay the Mac for iOS in 2012 when the world ends. Unless you mean multiple virtual monitors under one account... – digitxp – 2010-09-28T20:06:15.630

What? Multiple monitors with multiple 'sections'? What does this have to do with the question? One of the strangest responses I have seen on here. – barfoon – 2010-09-28T20:18:54.587



From here: Can a Mac be used by multiple users at same time?

If this answers your question, consider deleting it as it is a duplicate.

Yes, it is possible using Vine Server (OSXvnc). I never used it, but the creators claim:

[..] in Tiger (Mac OS 10.4) all those desktops can be accessed simultaneously using Vine Server (OSXvnc). This allows multiple users to be logged in, each using his or her own desktop on the same Mac.


All they need is a computer or PDA running a VNC viewer to access Vine Server (OSXvnc). Now you have a use for all those old PC's!


Each user MUST be logged in using Fast User Switching. If you reboot the computer you will need to go and log-in each user with Fast User Switching to enable access via VNC.

And using the very same software simultaneously might yield problems (like when temporary files are not stored in a user area), or might break the license agreements.

I don't know if this still works in Leopard and Snow Leopard. (But a recent post on Server Fault might indicate it's tested on a recent version of OS X, hence Snow Leopard?)


Posted 2010-09-28T19:09:45.197



You can all remote into an iMac via ssh (System Preferences..., Sharing, Remote Login) but for a GUI it's one session at a time (System Preferences..., Sharing, Remote Management).

Chris Nava

Posted 2010-09-28T19:09:45.197

Reputation: 7 009

I know it is - I've stated that in the question and am looking for a concurrent solution. – barfoon – 2010-09-28T21:31:05.330