How to load powershell profile from cygwin bash?


So in cygwin bash I am able to type "powershell" to bring me into a powershell prompt but it won't load my powershell profile.ps1 due to not being able to execute scripts, but I can't set the execution policy in this prompt...

So I tried running the default powershell prompt (as administrator) and was able to set the execution policy to remote signed, but it doesn't affect the powershell within bash

what am I missing?

Bash Powershell Powershell As Administrator

Jon Erickson

Posted 2010-09-28T18:20:58.730

Reputation: 2 144



You could run this from your bash shell:

 powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 


For me this works without the dash before cmdlet so:

powershell ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Jay Bazuzi

Posted 2010-09-28T18:20:58.730

Reputation: 3 780


You can bypass this:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass


Posted 2010-09-28T18:20:58.730

Reputation: 11