How to quickly type underscore?



I'm using gtk, and all the function names have many underscores. It gets annoying to type things like set_from_file and on_button_clicked, etc. Do you have any tips on how to type these more effectively?


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 1 476

Which keyboard layout are you using? On a standard UK/Irish keyboard, underscore is Shift+-, which isn't too tricky. – TRiG – 2016-07-13T15:18:34.743

7For the fastest underscore possible, you could swap the space bar and the underscore keys. – Nosredna – 2009-08-06T20:32:42.857

6Or remap shift+space to _ ? – None – 2009-08-06T20:34:16.100

@Nosredna - I was going to suggest that :) – None – 2009-08-06T20:39:10.410

1This is a legitimate question people. I know vote to close is exciting but try to calm those itchy fingers. :P If this gets closed I'll vote to reopen. – Spencer Ruport – 2009-08-06T20:41:40.467

3If only so much attention were spent on my more legit questions about GTK. – None – 2009-08-06T20:46:01.207

I think it's a legitimate question, but I figured that with 4 votes already it was going to get closed one way or another, so I voted to migrate to SU. I'd rather see it wind up here than being the subject of open/close wars on SO. (And I guess it's not really programming-related...) – David Z – 2009-08-06T20:49:37.557

1well it caused me to get an account here, anyway. – Claudiu – 2009-08-06T21:08:46.870



Use an editor with auto-complete functionality?


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 521

probs best answer, still have to find a good one for python though – Claudiu – 2010-08-09T20:22:08.280

1I agree. A decent editor will auto-complete for you. – None – 2009-08-06T20:43:48.123

most sane, probably. i'd first have to find a good one for python (IDLE works, but it is shoddy, and it only works if you run your code in it), and then get used to it. but could be worth it! – None – 2009-08-06T20:45:07.903

Hmm, I think swapping the underscore and spacebar keys is more efficient. :) – Sasha Chedygov – 2009-08-06T20:49:48.163

best advice, vs code has a great extension that let's you change case based on most common styles easily

– greg – 2018-08-21T22:45:51.747

Komodo edit 7 is pretty good with python! – Claudiu – 2012-09-10T03:38:27.357


Using a programmable foot pedal could help you out a bit.

Stefano Borini

Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 2 034

2You combine the chance to become a professional gtk programmer with the chance to become a death metal drummer. – Stefano Borini – 2009-08-06T22:46:07.667

haha. that'd be awesome. – Claudiu – 2009-08-06T23:28:26.660

Not a proper answer, but it sure made me laugh :] There was a 'computer stupidity' about mouse/foot pedal (beware, very addictive website).

– Kirill Strizhak – 2009-08-13T06:30:12.270


What's wrong with holding shift with your left hand and using your pinky from your right hand? That's what I do -- it's probably the fastest once you get used to touch typing it.

Joe Phillips

Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 1 350

hmmmm... i'm using my ring finger to hit it, atm. i'll try adjusting to using a pinky and - starting now - I'll see - just = how_ ti_ goes_. i might like this. – Claudiu – 2009-08-06T23:30:29.197

1You do have to pivot the hand a bit but you can pivot it right back __ _ __ __ __ weeeeee – Joe Phillips – 2009-08-07T00:28:22.307


Use MSKLC .. I'd remap ' (dagger) to _ and _ to '.


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 4 632


Remap a useless key to _. The most useless keys on the keyboard are insert and caps lock. They are close to the useful keyfield, so you might actually gain speed once you've learned the position of your new _ key.

Backstory: I realized that I never used insert or caps lock. But every so often I would hit one by accident. These keys are toggles, which affect every subsequent keystroke. Whenever I realized that I hit insert, I had to turn it off and then recover the text that I overtyped. Whenever I realized that I hit caps lock, I had to turn it off and then retype the text that I entered in "oppositecase". I found this so unacceptably frustrating (unfuriating) that I pried insert and caps lock off every keyboard that I use. It's much better that way. (I can toggle either one, when rarely needed, by reaching into the hole with the back of a pen.) (If you remap one of these keys, you can remap some other combination to replace it, or use "Onscreen keyboard".)


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 100


Try using Autohotkey

Include a configuration like:


in this case, when you type "a", it will put a "_"


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173


I'd give the example using another key... – None – 2009-08-06T20:37:39.757

17Of course, it's your choice wh_t you want to repl_ce – None – 2009-08-06T20:38:36.183

The ` is a good choice. I never use that thing. And it's pretty easy to hit. Makes your left pinky super-strong. – Nosredna – 2009-08-06T21:17:03.603

@samuelcarrijo, e::_ – Grant – 2009-08-06T21:26:30.150


remap - key to _ so you don't have to relearn key location but can save time not hitting shift.

Kirk Hings

Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173



  1. Turn on capslock.
  2. Place something heavy on the shift key.
  3. Everything you type will be in lowercase, but if you type a - it will be a _

Alternate Method:

Use an autohotkey script

#IfWinActive ahk_class gtk ; or whatever the title for the window is

;Choose one of the below
-::Send _        ; replace -'s with _'s
+space::Send _   ; replace shift+space with _'s
f3::Send _       ; replace F3 with _'s. You get the idea


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 2 695

3+0.4 for creativity. Unfortunately we round down. – Joe Phillips – 2009-08-06T21:38:49.870


Hitting the underscore key isn't much harder than hitting any upper case letter, since it's just a key combined with Shift.

You can always copy it to the clipboard and type Control-V if your fingers have a problem hitting the numeric row consistently.

Mark Ransom

Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 2 010

2i actually often CTRL+C annoying letters when i have to type them a lot in a particular section of code – None – 2009-08-06T20:44:11.040

Except that it's keyboard position puts it out of reach of all but those with abnormally long and dextrous pinkies, which means your fingers have to leave the home keys. That significantly reduces typing speed. It makes a difference in any application of real size. – None – 2009-08-06T20:44:25.470


Practice, practice, practice...

The kids (and I) like this Typing Instructor



Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 1 017

i can already type at like 140wpm; i don't know if that typing instructor is for me – Claudiu – 2009-08-06T23:29:06.267

2The best typing tutor is The Typing of The Dead – Dana Robinson – 2009-08-07T01:32:36.737

I learned from Mario Teaches Typing. If you got a good typing streak going, Mario blew though goombas like a samurai. – Grant – 2009-08-07T12:26:20.437


Add a second keyboard. (You can have up to [at least 14] USB keyboards.) You could use the second keyboard directly -- but it merely types the same characters. You could tape down Shift on the second keyboard -- but you still have to find its -/_ key every time; no time saved. With more work, you can remap keys on the extra keyboard. For example: place the second keyboard above the first one and make its spacebar type _, hitting the other spacebar might actually be faster than typing Shift+-/_. (And you have ~94 more keys that you can relabel for other added functions.) Recoding the second keyboard has been done using LuaMacros:


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 100


Copy and paste a bunch of times.


Posted 2009-08-06T20:29:25.173

Reputation: 2 492