UAC Status from Command Line



Is there any command which will tell me the state of UAC? Eg it's switched on, off of which level it's on.

Adam Dempsey

Posted 2010-09-24T07:28:54.760

Reputation: 255


From user Justin D: Please note that the computer needs to be rebooted after registry value is set for UAC disable/enable to be effective. Reg query may show UAC is disabled/enabled but it may not be effective if the computer is not rebooted.

– fixer1234 – 2018-10-10T06:43:26.093



Run from the command prompt

REG QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v EnableLUA

if you get

    EnableLUA    REG_DWORD    0x1

UAC is enabled, but if you get

    EnableLUA    REG_DWORD    0x0

UAC is disabled.


Posted 2010-09-24T07:28:54.760

Reputation: 27 374

Great thanks! As that's in HKLM I guess only an admin user could run that though? – Adam Dempsey – 2010-09-24T08:13:23.790

@AdemDempsey I'm not sure, you'd have to check... I don't currently use any non-admin users. – BloodPhilia – 2010-09-24T08:18:29.407

@AdemDempsey I checked by creating a non-admin user and it works fine! – BloodPhilia – 2010-09-24T08:22:19.577

@BloodPhilia - In some edge cases this does not work. On my system EnableLUA is set to 0x1 yet still UAC is not active. This can happen on a server OS where you have removed the GUI components. UAC is never enabled on Server Core. – Peter Hahndorf – 2013-12-26T08:54:48.250


This will work for Windows 7 - Windows 10 as a batch file (.cmd or .bat) or command line.

Batch file:

    @echo off

    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" | find  "0x0" >NUL
    if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0"  ECHO UAC disabled
    if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1"  ECHO UAC enabled


Command Line:

    REG QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin

If you get "0x0" UAC is disabled.

George H. Compton IV

Posted 2010-09-24T07:28:54.760

Reputation: 1