I have a macBook running 10.4.11, I want to do some IPhone development so I think that I need to upgrade to 10.6. On the apple store there are two products that claim to upgrade you to snow lepard (10.6).
- Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - $35
- Mac Box Set - $199
1) The site says that it is recommended that I should use the box set. Why? Will Snow Leopard work on my machine? Do I need to buy the box set?
2) I have IWork 08 installed right now. Will that continue to work on 10.6? Will ILife continue to work?
3) I have heard that 10.6 is actually faster than 10.4. Is this true? This seems unlikely to me.
4) Is time machine included with 10.6 or is that bundled with ILife or something like that?
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Doesn't seem right to advocate breaking license agreements. – Spiff – 2010-09-20T21:18:44.430
2Other common actions that involve breaking license agreements: 1) Jailbreaking your iPhone, 2)using WINE and Windows at the same time, 3) uninstalling a program by deleting its desktop shortcuts, 4) lending a laptop to your friend, and 5) using a computer on a University campus without being a student or faculty there. This is why nobody reads them ;-). – digitxp – 2010-09-21T02:21:08.293
2+1, good answer. Just to elaborate, the DVD @29$ contains a full OS, you don't (at least, I didn't) need Leopard installed to use it. – trolle3000 – 2010-09-23T12:00:58.310