I'm using "Chicken of the VNC" to use a remote machine, and I have an issue with scrolling up the view to see the results of the commands.
Also JollyFastVNC doesn't have any scrolling bar. So I cannot see the full results if the lines are too many.
Am I missing something?
It is funny, because I have the same issue with Jolly Fast VNC (which I hope not expiring after a while). I actually don't have scroll bar, cannot read first results lines. What am I missing ? – aneuryzm – 2010-09-20T18:40:55.727
I see the options they are both enabled but how is supposed the scrolling to work ? I'm using the wheel of the mouse with the pointer over the window.. still nothing. I found out a key combination to do it and it is: Fn + Shift + ArrowUp (or Down).. not very comfortable though – aneuryzm – 2010-09-21T06:47:31.580
Also, is APPLE + V (or CTRL + V) working ? I have to go to "Edit > Paste as Keystrokes" to copy paste the symbol "/" when I need it because for some reason it isn't in the keyboard mapping. – aneuryzm – 2010-09-21T06:49:43.557
@Patrick the mouse panning follows the mouse pointer, and it’s intended to allow you to “view” remote computers that have a bigger resolution than yours, avoiding the annoying scroll bars. It consists of a “zoomed area” (you can define de size) and when you move your mouse to one side (for example) the zoomed area will move with you. If the remote computer has a 1024x768 resolution and your computer is on a 1900x1200 display, you’ll not see the effect in action. – Martin Marconcini – 2010-09-21T16:31:10.880
Regarding the copy/paste, if the remote box is Windows (or linux), I believe you’ll have to do CTRL-C/V respectively. – Martin Marconcini – 2010-09-21T16:31:45.280
@Martin: it is not anymore that important, since I can work anyway. But the CTRL+V and APPLE+V doesn't work and I actually don't need to zoom but to scroll up. The window is too small. – aneuryzm – 2010-09-22T11:09:10.127
@Patrick yes, I see what you mean. You can give it one more try by using the built in OSX VNC client: Screen Sharing. It won’t show up in spotlight because it’s mysteriously hidden in /System/Library/CoreServices. Give it a try. – Martin Marconcini – 2010-09-22T13:38:33.273