How can I batch change the types of phone numbers in my Address Book?


I have a large Address Book (on Mac 10.5) that has 80% of the phone numbers listed as "other".

When I sync the address book with my server, the "other" numbers aren't included.

Is there a way to batch change all "other" labels to "mobile"?


Posted 2010-09-15T09:11:56.880

Reputation: 168



I have successfully used the following AppleScript:

tell application "Address Book"
    repeat with thisPerson in every person
            repeat with thisPhone in every phone of thisPerson
                if label of thisPhone = "other" then
                    set label of thisPhone to "mobile"
                end if
            end repeat
        on error errorMessage
            log errorMessage
        end try
    end repeat
end tell

In short, it changes all other phone numbers to mobile, which in turn causes the phone number to be synced.

Vidar Ramdal

Posted 2010-09-15T09:11:56.880

Reputation: 311

1Hi Vidar. Thank you for Your answer. I did originally find a cumbersome solution of importing everything to Outlook 2011. Here "other" is changed automatically and can then be exported back to address book :-) – ulrikhansen – 2011-01-03T08:25:18.493