How can I take a screenshot of the GRUB menu?


How can I take a screenshot like this?

alt text

I tried pressing Prnt Scrn, and then trying to paste it in MS Paint after booting to Vista, but it did not work.


Posted 2010-09-11T15:16:23.560

Reputation: 13 841

1Print Screen will never work because a "clipboard" is an OS-level feature (and even higher level - X11 - on Linux). – user1686 – 2010-09-11T21:47:26.463

the iPhone 5 has a great camera – James Mertz – 2012-11-14T06:23:42.817



Create a Linux virtual machine with VirtualBox, VMware, etc. and screen capture it from your host operating system.


Posted 2010-09-11T15:16:23.560

Reputation: 316

yes, I thought of that. Actually the OS is already installed (not on a virtual machine), and I needed to post screenshots at this question.

– Lazer – 2010-09-11T15:42:47.907

Yeah, unfortunately there isn't any hardware-level clipboard and likely never will be ;( but VMs have it good in terms of cross-OS clipboards. (I always consider it cheating xD) – WindowsEscapist – 2012-06-23T19:57:14.293


  1. Load Linux in Virtual Machine in Windows
  2. At GRUB Menu
  3. Print Screen Button
  4. Paste it in MS Paint
  5. Save File


Posted 2010-09-11T15:16:23.560

Reputation: 6 702