Keyboard shortcut for the Windows Explorer address bar



Is there a keyboard shortcut in Windows Explorer (Windows 7), to put the cursor into the address bar (where the current path is shown)?


Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 4 836



Found it, it's possible with the following two shortcuts:

  • Alt+D selects the current path in English versions (see comments for other languages)
  • on Windows 8, Ctrl+L can also be used to select the current path (all languages)
  • F4 will put the cursor at the end of the current path and expand the dropdown list of the address bar (all languages)

BTW: here's a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in windows 7:


Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 4 836

7Alt+E works in the German Windows 7 – handle – 2015-06-24T06:22:28.313

Alt+D works well in Spanish version of Windows 7. – Akronix – 2016-08-22T08:42:26.910

F4, Esc seems to work on French Windows 7. So does Ctrl+E, Alt+A – Joe – 2016-09-14T12:22:43.063

Those shortcuts also work on IE, and ALT+D works on all browsers. – paradroid – 2010-09-08T07:00:52.010

BTW,, if you accept your own answer, you get one of those bronze badges, I think. – paradroid – 2010-09-08T07:10:59.320

sad i was just going to answer this but glad you finally found it – subanki – 2010-09-08T10:41:39.340


The link for the shortcuts is broken. This one works

– Chrᴉz says reinstate Monica – 2018-07-25T08:55:08.770

6Alt+D doesn't work on non-English versions of Windows 7 (tried on Brazilian Portuguese and German, probably affects others). – muriloq – 2011-10-25T18:48:29.980

3Alt+D doesn't work in Ukrainian and Russian versions as well. – kolobok – 2013-07-14T20:14:39.000


If you're using non-English version, you can use AutoHotkey with this script:

#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass


Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 51

1I went with ^l:: for Control+L. – Marc.2377 – 2018-12-20T12:55:02.477


Another AutoHotKey solution based on the one from @epifun

@epifun 's solution does not work if the address in the addressbar is very long.

#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
   ControlFocus, ToolbarWindow322
   send {space}

Thomas Schreiner

Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 131


I can't verify this myself at the moment since I'm using Mac OS X, but this webpage suggests that Alt-D is what you're looking for (see section "Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts").

Lawrence Velázquez

Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 929


Ctrl+L seems now to be working in many browsers to do that, in File Explorer too. Now - I mean Windows 8 (7 does not work).


Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 1 633

1Ctrl+L doesn't work in Windows 7 to focus the Windows Explorer address bar. – David Murdoch – 2014-12-19T16:34:47.937

You're right. I've made edit. – pbies – 2014-12-26T17:40:47.273


F6 does the trick for me.

(PC, successive versions of Windows including 8.1, as I write.)


Posted 2010-09-08T06:40:39.730

Reputation: 1

1<kbd>F6</kbd> changes focus to the column header for me in Windows 7. – Jason Aller – 2015-05-19T16:57:34.337

2Windows 8.1 here and F6 doesn't work for me. It seems to select the next Windows pane, similar to pressing Tab. I believe your solution is for Internet Explorer (not Windows Explorer) and other browsers, where F6 does change focus to the Address Bar. – Josh – 2015-05-19T17:59:20.440