Linux DD Command: How to extract files from an ISO image?


I need to extract the OS filesystem from Fedora's ISO image (downloadable from their site) using dd command?


Posted 2009-08-05T15:42:11.317


this is vague. One can not extract a filesystem from an image, a filesystem isn't data. – jiggunjer – 2016-01-11T08:48:30.723

You need to extract an specific file? – setatakahashi – 2009-08-05T17:16:57.570



If you already have the ISO filesystem in a file on your hard drive (downloaded from the Internet or copied, wholesale, from a CD or DVD), you'll need to mount the file in "loopback" mode. ("loopback" means the source of the filesystem is in fact another file, not a physical device.) As root, something like this would work:

# mkdir /tmp/fedora
# mount /path/to/image.iso /tmp/fedora -o ro,loop -t iso9660

Then you can browse /tmp/fedora using your favorite tools.

You can use dd to create an iso file from a CD or DVD:

# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso

Commodore Jaeger

Posted 2009-08-05T15:42:11.317


maybe he was wondering if he could burn the ISO to a DVD using dd? – jiggunjer – 2016-01-11T08:50:18.273


I believe dd can't do that, it just enables raw access to the ISO file itself.

I think you should use the mount command:

mount -o loop file.iso /mnt

Bastien Léonard

Posted 2009-08-05T15:42:11.317

Reputation: 280


Adam Rosenfield

Posted 2009-08-05T15:42:11.317

Reputation: 1 476