Nonsense! I move the winsxs folder on any install I'm fortunate enough to have another disk to send it to.
Now, the method of moving it is probably different than what you are thinking.
1) Close any running applications (This is important).
2) Copy your winsxs folder to another location (preferably off of your SSD :)
3) Now comes the magic: You are going to create a junction point to literally trick Windows into thinking the winsxs folder is in the same place.
3a) Start > Run > Type "mklink /J "c:\Windows\winsxs" "d:\winsxs"
The mklink command functions as such: mklink LINK TARGET, so in the above example the c:\Windows\winsxs acts as the LINK location where you want to trick Windows into thinking it still exists and the TARGET location is of course the d:\winsxs on another drive.
The only real drawback of this is if you manage to boot your computer without the other location and then you try to launch an application. However, if you are running an internal drive configuration then I guess I wouldn't worry about it.
I use this method ALL THE TIME for moving certain games in and out of the Steam folder on my gaming computers at home and even successfully moved the Adobe Creative Suite's MASSIVE install to one single location on another drive off of my wife's SSD.
I would NEVER do this in an Enterprise environment but at home it's just golden.
Related info:
– hyperslug – 2010-09-05T04:27:13.347See also:
– nhinkle – 2012-01-18T04:37:29.757Have a read at this link, not sure how much it will reduce the size of Winsxs...
– Moab – 2012-01-18T16:02:01.227Download page for WinsxsLite...
– Moab – 2012-01-18T16:02:32.783