Is there a way to resize a window to specific sizes (eg.800x600, 1024x768..)?



I need a way to resize any window (not just Firefox!) to specific sizes.

I need to check what the application I'm writing looks like at these resolutions - how many columns are visible in grids, that sort of thing.

I know I could just change my resolution, but that's a hassle, especially for 800x600 - desktop icons get smooshed together and stuff.

Blorgbeard is out

Posted 2009-08-04T22:04:14.960

Reputation: 2 565

@Arjan: for Chrome, several web extensions offer a way to exactly set the viewport. See f.ex. (by me)

– serv-inc – 2017-10-29T14:16:19.200

@serv-inc, while true, that's not what this question is about. – Arjan – 2017-10-29T14:50:26.160

VTR as this is easily phrased as a how do I achieve X, not necessarily a give me a program to X – bertieb – 2018-02-14T23:21:12.143

2Still, changing the screen resolution also takes the taskbar into account. So, when only resizing application windows, then be sure to make it a bit smaller to account for the available screen estate. – Arjan – 2011-02-09T11:37:47.433



Check out Sizer ...

Sizer is a tiny freeware utility that gives you an easy and fast way to resize any window to an exact size. It could be a very useful tool for webmasters and web designers.

JP Alioto

Posted 2009-08-04T22:04:14.960

Reputation: 6 278

Excellent! That's a very slick program. I hope it eventually supports vista/win7 but for now I'm still on XP anyway. Thanks :) – Blorgbeard is out – 2009-08-04T22:16:58.143

I have it running under Vista on my main dev box at work without issue. – David Spillett – 2009-08-04T22:38:04.037

@David Spillett: Curious - are you running Vista x86 or x64? – Chris W. Rea – 2009-08-04T23:41:46.020

1Problem is there is no version for Windows 7 - 64 Bit :( i've used Sizer for years and now I can't. – None – 2011-02-09T11:29:39.907

1The 64bit version is currently under development, but available for download. Works on my machine(tm) – CGK – 2011-12-13T22:46:11.530


You could write your own with AutoHotkey:

#=:: ; [Win]+[=]
    WinGet, window, ID, A
    InputBox, width, Resize, Width:, , 140, 130
    InputBox, height, Resize, Height:, , 140, 130
    WinMove, ahk_id %window%, , , , width, height


Before: 640 x 480


  1. Press Win+=.

  2. Enter a width:


  3. Enter a height:


After: 400 x 300


Note: To set a length to 0, you have to input 0. An empty value is ignored. For example, if you only want to resize the height, leave the width blank and enter a value for the height.

For the curious: 0 x 0


As you can see, a window with a title bar and controls has an absolute minimum size.


Posted 2009-08-04T22:04:14.960

Reputation: 21 611

For those interested, Here is a similar approach to change one of the four (X,Y,width,height) of active window. autohotkey: how to resize window by both absolute and relative height

– qeatzy – 2017-10-18T11:30:57.217


I suggest WinSize2.

  • Simple, fast, and easy to manage by using Alt++ And Alt+- keys to increase/decrease the size of the current window.
  • Working on any Windows version, or at least I have tested it on Windows XP, 7 and 8.
  • Free Software.

Sopalajo de Arrierez

Posted 2009-08-04T22:04:14.960

Reputation: 5 328