Recommended HDTVs for use with a Mac Mini?


I'm looking to change my current home computer setup and was thinking about hooking up my Early 2009 Mac Mini to a HDTV to use as a general media hub, and for the occasional light desktop work from the sofa :)

Can anyone recommend a HDTV that would work well with the Mini, or provide advice on useful features I should be paying attention to when choosing a HDTV for such a use? (e.g. size/resolution, colour management, VGA/HDMI connection, LCD/Plasma, response time etc.)


Posted 2010-08-29T01:05:53.723

Reputation: 71

Question was closed 2010-08-30T02:30:57.557

Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way, within the scope defined in the faq. Questions about shopping recommendations are considered off topic on Super User.

– BloodPhilia – 2010-08-29T23:59:49.917



Nowadays, this is really rather simple. For the connection, I recommend an HDMI to DVI cable for ease of setup, as any HDTV you get these days should have a HDMI port. As far as the actual display goes, I recommend getting something with a good contrast ratio, and a low refresh rate. Depending on your use, and the size of the screen, the resolution may also be very important.

Let me say from experience that using a webbrowser from the couch with a keyboard in your lap is much more difficult then you would expect.

Ryan Gooler

Posted 2010-08-29T01:05:53.723

Reputation: 1 844