How to burn 6.6GB of DVD content on a standard 4.3GB DVD in macOS?



There is a question I see popping on and on at forums but with no "good" answer. I've copied a DVD to my hard drive and it is about 6.6 GB. Is there any software that will help me to burn it into a 4.3 GB disk?

Dimitrios Mistriotis

Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 239

Question was closed 2018-02-04T04:01:07.963

Do you know anybody that's managed to do that? If you copied the DVD on the hard drive and it's 6.6 GB, I'm not sure you can fit it on a single layer DVD. – alex – 2009-09-02T08:13:55.403

@alex: the size can be reduced by removing special features and extra audio tracks (e.g. DTS, foreign languages, commentary), or if necessary, re-encoding it at a lower quality. – mark4o – 2009-09-07T01:29:35.883



Toast has worked well for me...


Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 235


I personally use Burn and LiquidCD. Both free.

To rip DVDs you can use MacTheRipper or DVD2One.

Tiago Veloso

Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 1 072


I do all my burning needs with Disco. If you looking for more features, then Toast is a good alternative. It is rather expensive though.

Josh K

Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 11 754


If you mount the image file with Disk Utility, you should have a Burn option to do that.

Otherwise use this command:

hdiutil burn image.iso

Burn image to optical media in an attached burning device.

Run man hdiutil to see the documentation page, or hdiutil burn -help for list of parameters.

To list all burning devices, run: hdiutil burn -list.


Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 16 795

This question is 9 years old and states, “I've copied a DVD to my hard drive and it is about 6.6 GB. Is there any software that will help me to burn it into a 4.3 GB disk?” So the issue is the original poster wants to magically cram the contents of a dual layer DVD onto a single layer DVD. The basic use of the hdiutil burn functionality will not solve this unsolvable problem. – JakeGould – 2018-02-03T22:40:23.487


DVD Remaster has worked well for me in the past download. It also comes bundled with an application called Fairmount which will decrypt DVDs and mount them as a drive for making local copies, transcoding, or burning back to DVD.

Bryan Schuetz

Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 1 494


Use Burn to burn your files on Mac OS X. It can also convert videos to formats, that a DVD-player can read.

Oh, and it's free... :)


Posted 2009-08-04T19:52:02.017

Reputation: 7

Toast compresses the files, but you need to pay for it. – alimack – 2010-02-18T16:11:09.027

I've used burn but I think it can not scale-down from 6.6 to 4.3GB I do not know if there is any way to do this... – Dimitrios Mistriotis – 2009-08-20T13:26:30.997