I have to get a file from school that's saved on one of my college's computers. These computers have their desktops and stuff running on Citrix. I know how to access the desktop, but for some reason I can't activate my wireless internet connection (or any other internet connection), nor is my USB accessible from the remote desktop running on my laptop. (Or at least I think it's what's called a remote desktop, the page from where I access this thing says: "web interface for MetaFrame Presentation")
The laptop is fine, Windows 7, intel Core2 Duo 2 GHz pr. core (not much, but hey, it's a work laptop) and just 2 GB RAM but it's fine for working.
Is there some way this PowerPoint file can be "dragged" from the remote Citrix desktop for windows to my internal HDD?
Just to clarify...
I am accessing the remote desktop through this website.
I can't get any internet connections to run! This never happened before, this is the first time I use Citrix in Windows 7 – Latze – 2010-08-24T19:29:07.743
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by not being able to run any internet connections? – Thomas B. – 2010-08-24T19:42:59.527
Uhm... I am having a hard time explaining this, but basically there's no "wireless icon" and no "cable internet connection icon" in the little toolbar thing (right bottom corner) and I think the administrator disabled a lot of the network settings (in the control panel) – Latze – 2010-08-24T19:55:10.950
And this is on your work laptop? – Thomas B. – 2010-08-24T20:03:59.713
yes - but nevermind, I somehow fixed it! Just clicked random stuff until it suddenly worked :) – Latze – 2010-08-24T20:04:46.557
Ok, so you are now able to access your school Citrix desktop from your work laptop? – Thomas B. – 2010-08-24T20:05:46.033
Exactly, fixed by going nuts on my mouse :) – Latze – 2010-08-24T20:13:08.647
Great! Happy trails. – Thomas B. – 2010-08-24T20:16:12.630